Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 10: F-U-N

Wordle is super fun and super cute. Now I just need access to a color printer and WHAMMY! Instant Christmas presents! haha.

I also love making my own Jackson Pollocks at

I am also a big fan of 'generators' such as the Dan Brown Plot Generator.

This will also conclude my Aur Things. Thank you all. I grade myself at a B-, but I had fun and learned a lot. Thanks guys!

Week 9: Skillsoft

I think it is fantastic that the University has an online way to track our training and to give opportuniies to take classes that we can fit in to our schedule and use remotely. This is especially nice for those of us who are not able to attend classes or training at any other time. Yay for Skillsoft.

Week 8: Search Plug-Ins

omg omg omg!!! I love it. I already had the Google search and I just added Skyline, Target and Amazon. Now, the trick will be remembering to actually use it.
In the Target search I entered "kitchen" and wow! The best kitchen in the world came up! See for yourself!

Also, I now have a customized iGoogle page, it seems cute and fun, I chose the crazy frog for my theme. I also selected to get updates about Art and entertainment. The first story to come up has a picture of George Clooney. Not bad at all!

Week 7: LibraryThing and Delicious

I created my LibraryThing account. I played around for a while with it, but I have to say, I prefer GoodReads for my purposes. Plus, most of my frienda and co-workers are already on Good Reads. The issues I have with LibraryThing is that I don't find navigating and changing info etc very user friendly. Where as Good Reads is crazy easy. This means I will be deleting my LibraryThing account and sticking to Good Reads. Join me my friends! Come to the darkside!

As for Delicious, I have an account that we used when my computer was replaced at work. I think the idea of being able to access your favorites away from your home computer or office computer is great, I just never remember to use it. There are so many amazing services on the interwebs, I just can not remember to use all of the various resources. Not to mention, if I am away from my home computer and need to find a fave site and don't know the url, I just use Google. I LOVE GOOGLE.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just For Fun

Okay, I finally found the best viddy ever! Many of you saw this a few years ago, but it is back! I couldn't remember the artist and it was impossible to find... until I checked my Myspace account. Maybe I should ditch FB for MS. We will see.

Week 6: Youtube

This is from one of the best movies ever. John Waters' Female Trouble. There are so many good lines in this movie, it is really difficult to choose. So many great clips too. However, most are highly innapropraite. I chose this video for all the snitches, tattletales, bad girls and Meatball sandwich lovers. Enjoy!

Week 5: Social Networking

Okay, let me just say that I have a love/hate relationship with social networking. Myspace was a blast a few years ago, it was then superceded by Facebook. I love being able to keep current with friends that I don't see often and don't hear from often. I love the games even thought they are addictive and evil. Pet Society, Mafia Wars, the list keeps going. I looove the quizzes too. I admit it. But, after awhile, it is much too much. I know I am not the only guilty of Mystalking and Facestalking ex-boyfriends, ex bestfriends and the like. I even added a ton of people from highschool just to see what they looked like now. (I promptly deleted all). It is totally embarrassing to do that, I can still feel the heat of my shame!

I am going to explore some of the other social sites. Maybe ones that are a bit more grown up, no games, no quizzes. Maybe there will be another post about those.